Save Money on a Stroller (Disney World Tips – 152 of 365)

Disney Stroller

Need to use a stroller at Disney World?

You have many different options, and some are more expensive than others.

Renting a stroller at Disney World is the most expensive option. Here are some other, less expensive alternatives.

Each one has some positives and negatives, so see what works best for you and your family.

  • Bring your own stroller from home – This one could be the biggest pain, if you weren’t planning on doing it already…and if you’re flying you might not want to at all.  But it saves the most money, since you won’t have to pay anything.
  • Buy a cheap stroller – Once you get to Orlando, buy a cheap stroller. You can find one at Walmart or another similar store for $20 – $30. This saves a lot of money over renting, but could be a pain to go out and get the stroller.
  • Rent a stroller from someone else – There are a few companies in Orlando that will rent you a stroller. They’ll bring them to your hotel. It’s less expensive than renting one from Disney themselves.

If you’d like to see other tips as they become available, check out 365 Days of Disney World Tips!


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