Going to a Park for Only 1 Day? Choose a Value or Regular Day to Save Money (Disney World Tips – 275 of 365)

Disney 1-Day Ticket Price

Starting yesterday, February 28th, 2016, if you’re going to buy a 1-day park ticket, the price will depend on when you want to use it.

If you purchased your ticket previously, don’t worry, you can still use it any day.

But starting now, if you buy a ticket, there are 3 different prices.

There is value, regular, and peak.

Value is the least expensive, and is for when they don’t expect many people at the parks. Peak is for the days that the park is so crowded that it seems everyone is visiting Disney World! Regular is just a regular day at the parks.

If you’d like to see other tips as they become available, check out 365 Days of Disney World Tips!


While the prices will of course continue to change each year, as of now the price difference between the value and regular is $5 and another $12-$14 between regular and peak.

So this means if you’re only going to the park for 1 day, and you choose a value day instead of a peak day, you can save $17-$19 per adult! If you have a family of 4 that are all over 10 years old, you could save up to $76 just by choosing to go to a park on a different day (a value day vs. a peak day.)

So if you’re looking to save some money, this could be a big money saver!

As of now, this only affects 1-day tickets. If you get any sort of multi-day ticket, you can still go any day and the price is the same.

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