Check Disney Ride Wait Times So You Wait in Less Lines (Disney World Tips – 323 of 365)

Check Ride Wait Times

Hate waiting in lines at Disney World?

I know I do…and I’m sure everyone else in the parks feel the same way.

It used to be that the there were 2 ways you could find out how long a ride wait time was. The first was to take the long walk over to the ride to see what the wait time was, or the second was to look at one of the few big signs that are in each park with a list of rides, along with the expected wait times for each.

Unless you just happened to be next to the ride you want to go on next, or coincidentally happen to be in front of one of those big signs, it can be a pain in the butt to walk all the way to one to see how long the ride is. Especially since you know if the wait is too long, you’re just going to go somewhere else.

Here are FREE 2 apps that will tell you how long the wait times are for rides:

  • UnderCover Tourist’s Wait Time App – which also includes wait times for Universal and SeaWorld as well – along with a crowd calendar, park information, ride information and more.
  • The My Disney Experience App – which is published by Disney and also has ride wait times along with character meeting times, restaurant menus, and more.

Which do I suggest you download?


Sometimes you’ll notice that one is more up-to-date than the other. Plus they both have different things. I have both on my phone while I’m on vacation, and it’s come in handy many times when trying to figure out where to go next.

Let’s face it. If you know without going anywhere that one ride has a long wait and another is really short, you’ll want to go to the shorter line! And these apps make it easy to do so.

Don’t have a smartphone, or don’t have a lot of data?

Don’t worry. Disney World has free in-park wifi. So you can use their wifi to find out the wait times on your smartphone or other device.

They’re both really helpful, and can help save a lot of time while you’re at the parks!

If you’d like to see other tips as they become available, check out 365 Days of Disney World Tips!


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