The Best Times to Visit Disney World if You Have Children in School (Disney World Tips – 309 of 365)

when to go to disney world with kids in school

Let’s just throw this out there:

If you don’t have kids, go to Disney World when kids are in school. It doesn’t matter when, I guarantee you will have less crowds than if you go when kids are out of school.

But here’s the issue.

What if you have kids in school – or you’re a teacher? Then going during the school year is impossible.

So when should you visit Disney World in order to see lesser crowds?

Here’s the logic I’d go through when trying to decide:

  • First…is there a time of year when your school/city/or even entire state will be off of school, but everyone else will be in school? So for example in NJ, the first Thursday and Friday of November is Teacher’s Convention. So while there are more people in Disney World from NJ, it’s only the one state, not the whole country. Look for something like that first, as you’ll see lesser crowds as most kids will be in school.
  • Next, do your children have a winter break (not Christmas week!) but a week off in January/February? If so, not a lot of schools get that, plus they could have off on a different week, so that may be a good week to go.
  • Next take a look at spring vacation – but as long as it’s not the week before or after Easter. If your kids have off a random week off in March or April while most other kids are in school, it would be a good week to go.
  • Next, look at days off that are minor holidays, or just a day or two off. Even if it means having a short trip or taking the kids out of school for a day or two, it might be worth it. Less people will be going, so it will be a good week to go.

What do you get out of this?

Think about when most people will NOT be going to Disney World…and that is when you want to go.

The more kids are in school, the less crowded Disney will be.

Let’s face it. There will ALWAYS be a lot of people at Disney World…adults, kids that are too young to go to school…kids that are home schooled, and even kids taken out of school for a few days.

So you’ll never get an empty park. But if you can go when more kids will be in school than won’t, you’ll have a less crowded trip.

Here are the 2 times of year to stay FAR, FAR, FAR away from Disney World.


Because not only do they get crazy crowded, but they get so crowded that sometimes they have to close the parks from more people entering because they’re so crowded.

That’s the week of Easter and the week of Christmas.

They are always crowded, and if you can go at any other time of year, do that instead.

If you’d like to see other tips as they become available, check out 365 Days of Disney World Tips!


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