Avoid Crowds: Come Early, Stay Late, and Leave in the Afternoon (Disney World Tips – 244 of 365)

Disney World

No matter what day it is, usually the most crowded time at the parks is the middle of the day.

That’s why, to avoid crowds, you can do the following:

The first is to arrive early. Get to the park of your choice before it opens. If you’re there before rope drop (which is when they literally drop the rope and let you walk around the park and go to the rides), you’ll be able to get on a ride almost immediately once you get to it.

As the morning goes on, it’ll get more crowded. Somewhere in the middle of the day, when the park is at its peak and is most crowded (and it’s really hot and sunny out), leave the park.

Go back to the room, take a nap, relax, go to the pool, tour some resorts, etc… You can do anything, but stay out of the parks. You’ll get to relax some, and then will be up for what comes next.

Once you’ve had a break and it’s been a few hours, go back to the park. You’ll notice that it cleared out some as people left for dinner or to put their children to bed. Now you can stay for the rest of the evening as you’ll have the energy, and you’ll be able to go on more rides since it’ll be less crowded.

Now don’t get me wrong, you’ll still have a lot of people around in the morning and evening, but this way you’ll miss out on the hottest and most crowded part of the day. You’ll be able to enjoy the less crowded times instead.

If you’d like to see other tips as they become available, check out 365 Days of Disney World Tips!


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