Get to the Park Before it Opens (Disney World Tips – 243 of 365)

Magic Kingdom

It doesn’t matter which of the 4 parks you’re going to.

If you want to see less crowds, get there before the park opens.

The later it gets, the more people will show up, and the more crowded it will get.

But a lot of people have trouble getting out of the door early in the morning (especially those with children), so even though you definitely won’t be alone, if you get there early you’ll have a lot shorter lines.

You don’t have to get there too early, but as long as you’re there before rope drop (when the literally drop a rope and let you enter the park and walk around), you’ll be able to get on rides with very little wait when in just a half hour or so will have a long wait already.

If you’d like to see other tips as they become available, check out 365 Days of Disney World Tips!


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