How to Get More Than One Credit Card on your Room (Disney World Tips – 187 of 365)

If you want to charge everything to your room, and put it all on one credit card, that’s not a problem.
But what if you want to have more than 1 credit card for your room? Like if you’re traveling with friends and only want your purchases to go on your credit card?
If you look at the “My Disney Experience”, you’ll see you can only have one credit card on the account.
But if you go to the front desk of your hotel, or concierge, you can assign different cards to different people.
That way only what YOU charge goes on your credit card, and what someone else charges will go on their credit card.
This is great when friends are sharing a room in Disney World.
If you’d like to see other tips as they become available, check out 365 Days of Disney World Tips!