Non-Disney Themed Souvenirs (Disney World Tips – 146 of 365)

Spice and Tea Exchange

It’s fun, and often easy to find souvenirs for people who like Disney.

Almost every store in Disney World has a ton of merchandise, and most of it is themed to anything and everything Disney!

But what if you need to get a souvenir for someone who just isn’t into Disney very much?

You may say – why get them a souvenir at all then…but what if they’re family? Or they’re watching your pet? Or are bringing in your mail?

You get the point.

Sometimes you need to find a souvenir for someone who isn’t as enthusiastic about Disney as you are.

If so, I want to name 2 stores in Disney Springs that you’re going to like.

The first is called The Spice and Tea Exchange. It’s actually inside of another store, called Mickey’s Pantry.

There are some really nice items, and they would make great gifts.

There are many different teas to choose from, and there are often new additions, so even if the person you’re buying tea for has already shopped here before – there is probably something new.

There are also many spices, including different types of things than you’d see at home, like different spice mixes (such as the “Florida Sunshine Spice Blend” and the “Herbal Garden Spice Blend”) and many others.

There are also many different sugars (great for desserts!), salts, and other spices.

Basin Soap

Another option for a great souvenir is something from Basin.

Basin has a location in Disney Springs, and then has Basin White in the Grand Floridan and Spa Resort.

They have lots of different soaps and shampoos, etc. They have all different types of scents, and are in different colors, etc.

While they do have a few mickey shaped soaps, most are not, so they’re great for people who are not as big into Disney as you.

If you’d like to see other tips as they become available, check out 365 Days of Disney World Tips!


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