Get More Time at the Disney Parks! (Disney World Tips – 5 of 365)

Disney Magic Hours

Like yesterday’s tip, if you’ve stayed at a Walt Disney World resort before, this is something you probably already know…but if not, you might want to consider staying at a Disney resort on your next trip.


You get extra time in the parks.

Not only that, but because the only people who get the extra time in the parks are people who are staying at the resorts, these parks are less crowded at these times than the rest of the day.

Worried that you’ll have to get up extra early – or stay up super late?

Don’t be.  Disney offers both morning and evening extra magic hours.  If a park is going to open early, it will open 1 hour earlier to guests staying on Disney property.  If it’s going to stay open late, it can stay open up to >3< hours later to guests staying on Disney property!

That’s a lot of extra time in the parks.

Each week, all 4 parks will have extra magic hours, so as long as you’re staying for a week or more you should be able to take advantage of them for all of the parks.

I love being able to stay at the parks up to 3 hours late.  You can get a lot more accomplished with the extra time, and since there are less people, it’s less crowded.

If you’d like to see other tips as they become available, check out 365 Days of Disney World Tips!


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