Learn a Language for Free before Your Next Vacation on your Cell Phone or Tablet

Duolingo - Free Language App

If you have a trip booked to another country where they speak another language, you may wonder if you should try to learn the language.

I mean, if you’re only going to be there for a week or so, what’s the point?


Absolutely not!

If you’re going somewhere that they speak another language, it’s very helpful to learn at least a few words in their language.

First of all, it’s very nice to greet someone in their own language, and be able to say please, thank you, and goodbye as well, even if you can’t say anything else. Then, if you switch over to English, they know you at least tried, and will be happy to try to help you.

Plus, there are times when you need to read something, or someone you speak with might not know any English at all!

So how do you go about learning another language?

Well Duolingo has an app both for Apple devices as well as Android devices.

It’s completely FREE, and makes learning fun.

It’s done in short lessons that can be done in just minutes at a time, and makes it like a game. So you get to play while you learn!

What languages can you learn? French, Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Portuguese, Irish, Russian, Turkish, and more.

It’s a great way to prepare for your trip, and be able to speak in another language!

Get the free Duolingo app from the iTunes store or Google Play now, and start learning your next language!

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