Musee de l’Orangerie – A MUST Visit if You Love Monet and You’re in Paris


Are you a fan of Monet’s paintings?

Then here’s a museum that you’ve probably never heard of, but you just HAVE to visit when you’re in Paris.

The Musee de l’Orangerie is on the corner of the Tuileries Gardens, and is right next to the Place de la Concorde – so there is a good chance you’ll already be in the area at at least some point during your vacation.

If you have the museum pass, you don’t even have to pay to get in!

The main part of the museum is only 2 rooms, so you don’t have to spend very long there if you don’t have much time. (There is a room downstairs that hosts the Paul Guillaume collection that has more paintings, but I didn’t count that because if you’re going, you’re most likely going to see Monet’s works.)

l'Orangerie - Two Walls

What’s really cool is that there are only 8 paintings in the museum. 4 in each room – ONE painting per wall.

Each painting is that big, that it takes up the entire wall. If you love Monet, you’ll find these paintings incredible, and won’t want to leave.

They’re Monet’s water lilies, but not like any of his water lilies that you’ve ever seen before, since it’s on such a huge scale.

My guess is that if you decide to go, you think you’ll pop in for a few minutes, and then move along.  But you’ll probably end up sitting in the middle of the room, just admiring the paintings, and enjoying yourself for a lot longer than you expect!

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