Airlines and Weather Delays


If you fly even rarely, you most likely have encountered a weather delay while you are waiting for your flight to leave.

The airline doesn’t always say much, just that there are thunderstorms in the area, or maybe snow, ice, rain, or any excuse. Most of the time we believe them (unless it’s perfectly sunny out!), but are they always telling the truth?

Looking at this CNN article on Weather Delays, it looks like they might be using weather delays as an excuse!

If it’s the airlines fault that there are problems, they have to compensate you. They have to make sure you are fed, and have a place to sleep. If on the other hand something happens with the weather, that is not their fault, so they don’t have to do anything. So it seems more and more recently, they have been using that excuse, even when the weather has nothing to do with why your flight isn’t leaving!

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