Feel Like You’re There – Months After You Come Back From Vacation


Food can be a big part of your vacation. Sometimes you go to a destination that has a perfect food that you just can’t get anywhere else in the world.

For example, there is nothing like a Philly Cheesesteak. You can get a steak sandwich almost anywhere else, but it’s not the same. Same with Chicago Pizza, Florida Oranges, Maryland Crabcakes, etc…

While you can’t always travel to these destinations as often as you’d like, one way to momentarily “relive” your vacation is to get some of the foods that remind you of that vacation.

With the help of the Internet, you can easily get Honeybell Oranges directly from Florida in the middle of January, right when they’re at the best. You can get Dungeness Crab directly from Alaska, without having to get on a plane.  They still taste just as fresh as if you caught them yourself!

This is one way to feel like you’re back on vacation, enjoying the perfect foods.

Just a few days ago, my dad got his order of Honeybell Oranges from Florida. They’re in season now, and are the best oranges in the world. They’re nice and juicy, and without fail, everytime I eat them I feel like I’m back in Florida.

If you can’t get back to your favorite vacation destinations anytime soon, why not bring a piece of it back home?  It’s a nice way to help you get through until the next time you can vacation, and it will bring back many happy memories or your last trip.

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