Indian Echo Caverns

Indian Echos Cavern

One Exit past Hershey, PA going west is the Indian Echo Caverns.  For $12.00 per adult (they have a coupon on their website), they will take you on a tour of the caverns.  It was really interesting to walk through them.  Since it was dark, it was hard to get great pictures, but you can see one of the photos we took.  The tour is about 45 min. long, and was a lot of fun! 

You can see one of the lights in the picture.  It looks like such a small light, but at one point during the tour they turned off the lights, and it was so completely pitch black you couldn’t even see your hand in front of your face!  It was really interesting, and hopefully we will be able to visit a few more Caverns on our next trip.

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