Another Good Book

1,000 Places to See Before You Die: A Traveler’s Life List 

This book has gotten a lot of press lately, and has been in the bestseller lists.  To be honest, up until I actually flipped through the book, I didn’t really think it was something I would be interested in, even though I love traveling.  After going to the bookstore recently though, and getting a chance to see the book in person, it really is nice.  It’s not full of pictures that make you want to hop on a plane to go to these destinations, but it really has some nice locations I might not have thought of on my own.  For each place, it gives a description, as well as where exactly it is, and how much it costs if there is a fee associated with it.  It is definitely something I will be picking up shortly, and wanted to share it with anyone else who loves travel books and finding new places to visit.

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