Today’s Destination: Ethiopia
Today’s destination is not the typical one you will find on a Frommer’s top destination lists but it made their list for 2007.
Ethiopia is not the typical vacation your travel agent will push on you, but believe it or not there are some beautiful natural and historical places to visit.
Many have a tainted view of Ethiopia and Africa as a whole. Ethiopia is not a desert wasteland. It has many mountains, lakes and rivers with 14 wildlife preserves.
The Rift Valley is an incredible area where many believe the first humans to have evolved. The valley is actually formed by a region of volcanic lakes which make nice hot springs which most are safe for swimming and water sports. One lake, Lake Langano actually has hotels built for touristic purposes.
One of the most beautiful areas in Africa is at Tis Isat, the blue Nile falls. The falls are over 1300 feet wide and 148 feet deep. The Blue Nile originates at Lake Tana and flows to join the White Nile in Khartoum.
Another beautiful natural wonder is the Sof Omar cave at Bale. The Wab river has cut out a beautiful set of complex caves where you can arm yourself with torches and a map and go deep underground.
Among the historical attractions is Ethiopia’s most ancient city, Axum. Incredible obelisks and monolithic stone stelae still stand where a great culture steeped in international commerce once lived. A small outhouse nearby is heavily guarded as the resting place of the Ark of the Covenant, although no one but highly ranked religious officials have ever been allowed inside. There are many ancient buildings and temples standing from hundreds and thousands of years ago throughout the country.
It is somewhat surprising to hear Ethiopia as a vacation destination, but as you can see there are many incredible things to see in this beautiful country.